Police Stop Investigation Of Junior High School Student Case With Jambi Comika

JAMBI - The investigation team of the Sub-Directorate V Cyber Crime of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Jambi Police has stopped investigating cases of alleged insults and defamation reported by junior high school students to comedian Jambi Debby Ceper.

Please note, comedian DebbyCeper was reported by Syarifah Fadiyah Alqaf to the Jambi Regional Police for writing insulting comments on students who were fighting for the fate of their grandmother, Hapsah, with a foreign company in Jambi.

"Yes, that's right, the investigation has been stopped," said Head of Sub-Directorate V Cyber Crime of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Jambi Police AKBP Andi Purwanto as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 9.

The police stopped the investigation because there was not enough evidence and could not go up to the investigation stage.

Based on the notification letter on the progress of the investigation results carried out by the Investigation Team of Sub-Directorate V Cyber Crime of the Jambi Police, there are several points in the letter.

The Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Jambi Police Ditreskrimsus previously received a complaint report on Monday, May 29, 2023 regarding the alleged occurrence of insults and defamation on social media Instagram @infoanakjambi which was carried out by the @debiceper23 Instagram account.

Investigators from the Jambi Police Ditreskrimsus have carried out the stages of investigation into the case.

Based on the results of the investigation and case title that has been carried out on the reported complaint report, it has not fulfilled the elements of Article 45 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (3) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions.

To provide legal certainty against the case, investigators from the Jambi Police Ditreskrimsus have stopped their investigation.

However, if there is new evidence in the future, then the investigation can be reopened.