5 Habits That Cause Swollen Feet And How To Cope

JAKARTA - Swollen feet can indicate an unhealthy habit. For example, because there is pressure, less active movement, injury, blood circulation is not smooth or a marker of certain diseases.

In order to avoid feeling discomfort in the feet, you need to pay attention to the habits below.

Sit or stand for hours

When sitting, legs are at the very bottom. Although the weight of your body is fully supported by your thighs and buttocks, sitting for long hours can cause your feet to swell. The legs do not move when sitting, blood circulation cannot increase because the legs hang.

To fix this, try to raise your leg at the level of your thigh or straighten your leg. Swelling of the legs may also occur frequently due to prolonged standing.

The leg muscles do not move in either position, so the ankle and leg do not contract and blood flow slows down. This means that swollen feet from sitting or standing for hours can be relieved by relaxing both legs and changing positions so that blood flows smoothly.

Eat lots of salt

Salt contains sodium plays a role in making the feet swell. The healthiest measure, in a day it is recommended to consume no more than one teaspoon of salt. If more than that, there is a risk that the feet will swell.

The trick is to reduce consumption of foods that contain lots of salt. To make it easier to measure, it is advisable to reduce processed and fast food. For sustainable health, it is recommended to check the composition of each food consumed.

Wear shoes that are too small

Shoes are comfortable to wear when they fit your feet. When buying, consider the size and comfort of the material so as not to cause swelling of the feet. Rebecca Raleigh, a stylish costume and fashion designer, suggests buying shoes in the afternoon.

According to Raleigh, from day to evening, feet have the most normal size compared to morning and night.

Too much water or liquid

If the body has too much fluid or too much water is called edema. Drinking water is good, but if it's too much, you risk swelling not only in the feet. If you drink too much water at bedtime, your heart can also experience swelling.

The solution, pay attention to signals of thirst. This is because these signals are sent to the brain that the body needs fluids.

The habit of drinking alcoholic beverages

Alcohol can interfere with the body's absorption of water. In effect, fluid builds up and causes swollen feet. If you drink alcohol and experience swelling in your legs, it is better to stop this habit.

Furthermore, leg swelling should not be underestimated. If you don't have the five habits above as a cause of swollen feet, you need to get checked by an expert.