Khofifah Monitors Vaccination Clinic In Mojokerto Which Is Called The First In Indonesia

MOJOKERTO - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa continues to monitor the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination in East Java.

After monitoring in Gresik and Sidoarjo districts, this time Khofifah reviewed vaccinations at Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Mojokerto City.

When reviewing the implementation of vaccination, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa gave his appreciation to Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, Mojokerto City. Because this hospital provides a vaccination clinic. According to him, this kind of clinic is only found in East Java this time.

"Perhaps the vaccination clinic in Mojokerto is the first in Indonesia. The establishment of a vaccination clinic gives a special attraction. The naming is really something," said Khofifah, Monday, February 1.

The existence of a vaccination clinic, he continued, could provide encouragement for the vaccinator team and health workers to provide the best service to the community. In addition, people who will be vaccinated will also feel comfortable, because the vaccination location is different from other health service places.

Khofifah also praised the implementation of vaccination in Mojokerto City because the implementation of vaccination was considered the fastest.

The COVID-19 vaccine in Mojokerto City itself arrived on January 27 and immediately started vaccination the next day.

"The sooner the vaccination is finished, the faster herd immunity will be realized. Thus it can be a part of strengthening the revival of the economy and other sectors," he said.

Governor Khofifah said, for the first stage, vaccination will be prioritized for health workers (health workers). The second phase is only for the public service sector.

"I propose that journalists enter the second stage, because it is also risky in providing services to the public with news coverage and hunting to convey it to the public," he said.

Meanwhile, the first phase of vaccination in Mojokerto City itself begins with the selection of 12 verified vaccine recipients. In the first phase of vaccination against COVID-19, it is targeted that 3,551 people will be vaccinated.