A Total Of 20 Reports On Rocky Gerung To The Police

JAKARTA - The National Police revealed that they had received dozens of reports of entry to political observer Rocky Gerung. This report is not only in Bareskrim.
"Until now there are 20 Police Reports in Bareskrim and Polda ranks," said Director of Criminal Investigation of the National Police Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro in his statement, Monday, August 7.
Djuhandhani detailed two reports at Bareskrim Polri, three at Polda Metro Jaya, three reports at Polda North Sumatra.
Then seven reports at the East Kalimantan Regional Police, three reports at the Central Kalimantan Regional Police and two reports at the Yogyakarta Special Region Police (DIY). Now, the report is in the process of being withdrawn to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
"All LPs are withdrawn to Headquarters because the object of the case and reported is all the same," he said.
Rocky Gerung was reported for allegedly spreading false news and hate speech. In fact, there is a complaint unit addressed to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
Meanwhile, Rocky accused that there were parties who wanted to take advantage of the situation to confuse the situation of the "thumb" and "toleol" that he made when criticizing President Joko Widodo regarding the project of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) and the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law.
This party is suspected of taking advantage of the political year that will begin. In fact, his statement was considered as criticism in the era of democracy against President Jokowi.
"The question now why is it a problem? It means, someone wants to play in cloudy water. But I understand that the year of politics must have that kind of nature, taking advantage of this problem," Rocky said at a press conference in Central Jakarta, Friday, August 4.
In fact, Rocky admitted that he did not have a special tendency to Jokowi. According to him, the parties who took this issue to report Rocky to the police could not distinguish criticism from personal grudges.
"I have no grudge against Pak Jokowi. In fact, Pak Jokowi's son is friends with me. Pak Jokowi is in the middle, I was invited to use a VIP invitation, but I couldn't come. So, it doesn't matter there," he said.