Three Toll Projects Still In The Auction Stage, Investment Value Reaches IDR 34 Trillion

YOGYAKARTA - The auction for toll road entrepreneurship is still being carried out by the Ministry of PUPR through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT). BPJT stated that five toll road projects were auctioned, but two have been completed. So which three toll projects are still in the auction stage?

Of the two toll road projects whose auction process has been completed, one of them is already in the signing stage of the Toll Road Concession Agreement (PPJT) on Tuesday (1/8). The toll road project is the Kamal-Telukana-Rajeg Toll Road which stretches along 39.20 kilometers.

For another toll road project that was won by PPJT, it came out on July 12, namely the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Elevated Cikunir-Ulujami Toll Road which is 21.5 kilometers long. The winners of this toll project auction are the consortium of PT Marga Metro Nusantara, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT Acset Indonusa Tbk. However, this toll road project has not yet arrived at the PPJT signing process.

Currently, the remaining three projects are still in the auction stage. Which toll projects are still being auctioned by the BPJT?

The government through BPJT still opens opportunities for parties who want to take the auction offer for three toll road projects, below:

The Ministry of PUPR revealed that there are 6 toll road projects that will enter the auction stage in 2024. The auction of a number of toll projects has an investment value of up to IDR 50 trillion.

"The road and bridge sectors for the preparation of 6 projects with an estimated investment of IDR 49.47 trillion," said Herry Trisaputra Zuna in the agenda of the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission V of the DPR in Jakarta, last July.

The six lists of toll road projects that will be auctioned are:

The Malang - Kepanjeng Toll Road project is targeted for pre-qualification to be completed in the 1/2025 quarter. This 29.78 km toll road has an investment value of IDR 10.40 trillion.

The South Ring Road Toll Road project in Bandung has an investment value of a total of IDR 20.24 trillion. This toll road has a length of 46.2 km.

The Kohod - Lebakwangi Toll Road is spread along 46.2 km. This toll road project has an investment value of IDR 5.45 trillion.

The Pluit - Cengkareng Toll Road has a length of 12 km. The investment value for this toll road project is IDR 8.42 trillion.

The Sadang Extension Toll Road stretches along 21.15 km which connects 4 South Japek II toll roads with the Cipularang, Cipali, and Patimban Access toll roads. The construction of this toll road has an investment value of IDR 5.32 trillion.

The Caringin - Puncak - Cianjur toll road has a 50.09 km length. However, the investment value for the construction of this toll road is still in the calculation stage. For temporary estimates, the Triono Junoasmono, Director of the Free Road, Directorate General of Highways, said the investment value could reach Rp25 trillion.

Those are the reviews of the three toll projects that are still in the auction stage. The government is still looking for parties or tenders that want to take the auction of the three toll projects. It is hoped that this effort can accelerate and accelerate infrastructure development targets in Indonesia.

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