How Are You Looking For The Black Box CVR Sriwijaya Air SJ-182? This Said The KNKT

JAKARTA - The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) is still conducting search operations for the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 cockpit voice recorder (CVR) type of black box.

This continued operation was carried out in the vicinity of Lancang Island after the joint SAR team commanded by Basarnas stopped the joint SAR operation since Thursday, January 21.

Chairman of the KNKT Soerjanto Tjahjono admitted that his party had continued the search operation. However, in recent days it had stopped. Today, the search for CVR black box continues.

"Three or four days ago we couldn't go down because the waves were big. So, let's just go to Lancang Island. Today, we just got off again," said Soerjanto when contacted, Monday, February 1.

Soerjanto admitted that in the follow-up operation which had entered the eighth day, his party had sent 15 divers to look for the black box which they had conversed with the pilot and the Sriwijaya Air copilot SJ-182.

However, over the past few days, searches around the crash site have been hampered by bad weather and high waves. Meanwhile, the strength in one dive is only able to search 5x5 meters in area every 20 minutes.

"We have made plots around there, have been rubbed into them. If we don't find them, we are given a sign and then we will move again," he said.

Soerjanto said, his party was still working hard to find CVR black boxes. Because, this can support black box research with the type of flight data recorder (FDR) that was previously discovered, so that the cause of the crash can be immediately revealed.

"If this is not found, of course it will be very difficult. So, CVR must be found," he concluded.