Airlangga Hartarto Hosted By Golkar Party Elderly: Party Solidity Must Be Maintained

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto held a closed meeting with elders and former chairman of the Golkar party at Darmawangsa Hotel, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, August 4.Airlangga accompanied by Secretary General Lodewijk F Paulus met with Jusuf Kalla, Aburizal Bakrie, Agung Laksono, Muhamad Hatta, and Theo Sambuaga.In the meeting which was held since 20.00 WIB, Airlangga admitted that he received messages and suggestions from senior parties bearing the banyan tree."Earlier, from the senior Golkar Party, from Pak JK, Pak Aburizal Bakrie, Pak Agung (Laksono), Pak Theo (Sambuaga), Pak (Muhamad) Hatta, of course hoped that this party would be solid. No one interfered with the Golkar Party,” said Airlangga, Friday.According to Airlangga, the party's seniors have high hopes to continue to strengthen their roots, because Golkar is the second largest party in Indonesia. This means that Golkar currently represents political institutions and democratic institutions for the Indonesian people."Jadi tentu konstitusi Partai Golkar terus diminta untuk terus dijaga, dan juga jangan ada pihak-pihak luar yang mengganggu soliditas Partai Golkar,” tegas Airlangga.The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs added that during the meeting, he also conveyed the current conditions within the party numbered 4 in the 2024 General Election.“ We convey to Mr. Jusuf Kalla that the current condition of the Golkar Party is very solid. And of course facing future election events, all administrators and also all legislative candidates have started working in the regions,” said Airlangga.He also conveyed the goal of obtaining Golkar in the 2024 General Election to the party elders. Golkar targets to be able to secure 116 to 120 seats in the Indonesian House of Representatives which is equivalent to 20 percent of seats in the Senayan Parliament.“ Dan juga saya menyampaikan khusus untuk pilpres Partai Golkar dan seluruh DPP dan DPD menga mandatekan untuk menjaga keputusan munas, rapimnas, dan rakernas. Termasuk kemarin dalam pertemuan di Bali,” tegas Airlangga.Meanwhile, the chairman of Golkar for the 2004-2009 period, Jusuf Kalla, hopes that there will be no parties trying to deflect the direction of the party bearing the banyan tree. He emphasized that Golkar is in a very solid state at this time.“ Don't let any parties turn Golkar in an unclear direction. We remain solid, "said Jusuf Kalla.
This senior Golkar politician, who has twice served as vice president, hopes that Airlangga will immediately build communication and socialization to all regions to strengthen cooperation between cadres for the sake of winning the party.According to JK, Golkar's victory was not only about Airlangga Hartarto's personal affairs, but the affairs of all Golkar cadres and sympathizers.“After the socialization, it was a strong cooperation between all of us to win the party. This is not a personal matter, it is not Pak Airlangga's personal matter, but this is a matter of the party, ” said JK.He emphasized that he supports Airlangga in leading Golkar to win the 2024 General Election. JK appealed to all parties not to interfere in the technical policies imposed by Airlangga within the party to win." “ Yes, we support the party, meaning we support Pak Airlangga, of course in making policies. That's the point. We don't interfere with technical policies imposed in the party. We want the party to unite,” said Jusuf Kalla.