High School Student Gets Arrested By The Police For Insulting Doctors And Calling COVID-19 A Hoax
JAKARTA - Godika Sarah Da Silva or GSD, a high school student in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) was arrested by the police. This woman insulted doctors and nurses and called COVID-19 a hoax.
"The video contains insulting content against nurses and the government", said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, Kombes Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto, confirmed by VOI, Monday, February 1.
The arrest of this 19-year-old high school student began with a cyber patrol carried out by the NTT Regional Police. A viral video was found on GSD's Facebook account.
Police moved quickly to arrest the GSD high school student at her parents' residence on the evening of Sunday, January 31.
"He insulted doctors and nurses from the government and burned protective equipment, namely masks", continued Kombes Krisna.
During the initial examination, GSD admitted to making videos at the NTT Social Welfare Office for the Blind and the Work of Women at the NTT Social Service. GSD lives in this neighborhood because her father works at the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD).
"She admitted that she made the video because she had seen her friend's status post on the WhatsApp story showing a patient who had allegedly died from COVID-19", continued Chief Commissioner of Police (Kombes) Krisna.
GSD is now named a suspect. The police charged her with Article 45 A paragraph 2 and Article 45 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law. GSD is currently being held at the NTT Regional Police.