From Australia, Acha Septriasa Send Message Obey 3M For Nation Safety

JAKARTA - The handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia is considered not optimal. President Joko Widodo even evaluated the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM). Jokowi bluntly said the policy was ineffective. Even the implementation tends to be vague and consistent.

"I want to convey that related to PPKM on January 11 to 25, we have to say what it is. This is not effective. Mobility is still high. Because we have a mobility index, there is also a rise in some of the COVID-19 provinces," he said, when closed meeting at the Bogor Palace, broadcast via the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, on Sunday, 31 January.

The number of COVID-19 cases that have reached more than one million in Indonesia makes Acha Septriasa concerned. Especially in Australia, the area where he currently lives has zero cases.

"I hope that Indonesia can better handle COVID-19 which has spread more than 1 million positive cases. Hopefully with the events that we experience together, with the limited ICU in Indonesia, limited medical equipment, we can be more careful to limit himself when leaving the house, "hoped Acha when contacted by VOI, Friday, January 29.

"What is certain is that I am not bored remembering my friends to obey 3M: washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping a distance," he said.

"My hope is for Indonesia, I hope Indonesia will continue to have the spirit to rise again. Hopefully the medical personnel who have tried their best, can continue to be healthy, and be mentally strong in facing the current difficult situation," he explained.

Acha hopes that the government can continue to increase public awareness of the importance of 3M. "The government has provided a lot of helping hands, assistance to the community. Hopefully the government can carry out tests simultaneously and be carried out to all levels of society, so that people can know that they are not infected. Hopefully things can get better," he hoped.

As is customary in Australian, Acha admits that he also continues to carry out 3M's health protocol. "For those of us who can work at home and who still have to be mobile, we all have to support and strengthen each other by continuing to adhere to the 3M protocol. Hopefully we will all be guarded by God from the spread of COVID-19," he said.