Through Rasa, Menpora Focuses On Mental Health Of Indonesian Youth And Athletes

JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Dito Ariotedjo officially launched a Rasa Process program that focuses on the mental health of youth and athletes in the country. This Rasa Processing Program is a collaboration between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the digital platform of Human beings.

"Today the Ministry of Youth and Sports launched one of the main programs, namely an initiativeal mental health center entitled Olah Rasa, where this is indeed its focus on how we can have guidance and also provide training and counseling to young people and athletes related to psychology," said the Minister of Youth and Sports when met at the Media Center of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, August 2 afternoon WIB.

The Minister of Youth and Sports said that this program was initiated to increase awareness of the mental health of youth and athletes. Because according to him, with awareness of good mental health, this will automatically increase the productivity of young people.

This program is for a healthy heart and soul. It is important to have a healthy heart and soul because it automatically makes our mind more productive. With a healthy heart, soul and mind, I believe the productivity of the younger generation will increase," Dito explained.

This is not only related to youth, but also to leadership and is useful for facing many challenges in life. Today's children like healing, now this is the presence of this flavor to fill spaces where young people need healing," he continued.

According to Dito Aritedjo, this mental health program can also be a focus related to sports science. Where with a healthy mentality the athletes will also be more enthusiastic in achieving the taget.

"For this reason, we also connect this program with our focus in sports, namely sport science. Where now it is called the sports psychology program. We focus on all our athletes who will compete, especially in multi international events," explained Dito.

For example, the 32-year-old minister said that the success of fostering mental awareness of athletes had been implemented during the 2023 SEA Games agenda at

"So yesterday we felt that (the 2023 SEA Games) had a very high impact when there was assistance from sports psychology," explained Dito.