Topics That Should Not Be Discussed With Coworkers

JAKARTA - You may be able to say anything when talking to friends or best friends. But, with coworkers, you still have to be careful in conveying something, especially those involving personal matters.

According to psychologist Wesmira Parastuti Mia M.Psi from Wesmira Psychological Service & Consultation, as reported on the Cleo page, when the topic is discussed and how it is conveyed can affect daily performance. "For example, a friend tells you that he was having an affair, and you feel annoyed because he has cheated on his girlfriend, after that you may be reluctant to cooperate with him", explained Mia.

In order to keep the working atmosphere in the office conducive and not carried away with privacy matters, this is a sensitive topic that you should not share with work colleagues.

Sex Life

Never go into details about your sex life. You already know that you can’t talk about sex with everyone. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to know what happened between you and your partner.

This topic can make coworkers feel uncomfortable around you. If someone is feeling intimidated or thinks you have created an offensive work environment, they may have reasons to file a sexual harassment complaint.


It's worth remembering that people can change. People can promise to lock their mouths, but then reveal the information that you told. For that, keep all the gossip and negative thoughts about the work environment to yourself.

After all, even if the person is trustworthy, you may get a bad impression in the eyes of your coworkers if you are always talking about people behind their back. Your coworkers will think you might do the same to them out there.

A sense of stress

Get to know someone by the way they solve problems. If emotions are overflowing, this person could be temperamental. Therefore, control your emotions in front of your colleagues. A grumpy attitude without clear reasons does not necessarily solve the problem and actually makes the work situation even more uncomfortable.

The Mistakes You Made

If you feel compelled to tell about a mistake you did, it's best to hold on first. You are still in a very competitive work environment.

People in the world of work can appear cute on the outside but actually have ulterior motives. The error information you leak can backfire on you later.