Jokowi’s Criticism Of His Men In The Midst Of Pandemic Handling

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has again criticized the policy for handling the COVID-19 pandemic that was carried out by his men. Jokowi said that the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) was not effective.

It is known that the accumulation of COVID-19 cases currently has reached 1,078,314 cases. During the restrictions on community activities period, the average number of new cases always increased by more than 10,000. In fact, new cases in one day had reached a record with an additional 14,518 cases on January 30.

Jokowi evaluated that the implementation of mobility restrictions in the restrictions on community activities that had been running since January 11 tended to be inconsistent. Because the fact is that currently, the mobility is still high. As a result, the increase in COVID-19 cases in several provinces tends to increase.

"We have to say what it is, this is ineffective. In fact, the essence of restrictions on community activities is to limit mobility, it's just a limitation of community activities. But what I see is that in its implementation we are not firm and inconsistent", said Jokowi during a limited meeting at the Palace, Bogor, broadcasted through the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, on Sunday, 31 January.

Jokowi asked his assistants to really go to the field and work directly in the field. The goal is to be ready to handle the pandemic problem from below.

One of them is by means of more practical and simple ways so that people know what 3M means or wear a mask, keep their distance, and wash their hands.

"Also prepare masks that have the standards, so that people who do not wear mask are will be notified. This should work as simple as possible but it should really be implemented in the provinces we have agreed on", he said.

Jokowi's outdated criticism

Actually, this is not the only time Jokowi has criticized the work of his ranks of ministers in dealing with the pandemic. In a limited meeting regarding the handling of COVID-19 on August 3, 2020, Jokowi once admitted that he was confused by the performance of his minister who seemed not to understand the priorities for handling COVID-19.

"In the ministry departments, institutions, the crisis aura has not yet felt, they still don't know their priorities", said Jokowi at that time.

With Jokowi's complaint regarding the restrictions on community activities policy, the criticism he delivered last August seemed meaningless. Jokowi's pitch has become obsolete.

Seeing Jokowi criticizing again, Epidemiologist from Griffith University, Dicky Budiman considered it reasonable. This is because, according to him, the government may seem half-hearted to limit the restrictions on community activities mobility.

"The tightening strategy is chosen, namely restrictions on community activities (PPKM) in my opinion is not very effective. The condition of the case's development is already serious, but the intervention is not maximal. It seems half-hearted. So, it is natural that the problem is getting bigger", said Dicky to VOI.

Dicky said that the tightening in restrictions on community activities was no different from the transitional Social Distancing (PSBB) policy, which gave more flexibility than the rules in the strict Social Distancing.

For example, it can be seen in the rules for restaurants that are still allowed to serve dine-ins and tourist attractions that are still open. "So, it is natural that the problem is getting bigger", said Dicky.

The same thing was also expressed by the epidemiologist from the University of Indonesia, Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, who considered that there was a strategic mistake in handling COVID-19 by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and Economic Recovery (KCP-PEN).

In implementing the restrictions on community activities, according to Miko, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartato who is also the Chairperson of KCP-PEN carried out President Joko Widodo's mandate, which prioritizes the interests of managing health during the pandemic.

However, in fact, instead of tightening mobility, the government has even loosened the operating hours to 20.00 WIB in the extension of restrictions on community activities to February 8. Meanwhile, in restrictions on community activities from 11 to 25 January, the operational time is only until 19.00 WIB.

"If it's called restriction, then it should be restricted. If the operational hours are loosened because of the entrepreneur's request, will the entrepreneur really want to be responsible if there are more cases?", said Miko.

"Mr. Airlangga should be fierce and firm in the restriction. The President has already said that health care is the main thing in this pandemic", he continued.