Unique ATV With 18 Environmentally Friendly Wheels Able To Pass Various Fields

JAKARTA - ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) vehicles that have been described as 'flying analysts', lipan, and electric ski jets do have a unique and interesting shape to watch. This environmentally friendly prototype functions as a vehicle for all terrains and water boats that can traverse rocks, sand, mud, and even water.

Even more remarkable is that this vehicle is equipped with an innovative suspension system where each of the 18 wheels has its own electric motor, thus allowing regulated movement.

This allows the wheels to function like bifur brushes because they can adapt to various terrains, including overcoming obstacles with a height of more than 20 cm without losing speed.

Finnish company, 18 Wheels, first revealed this prototype last year, but will release an updated version in October.

"Our ATV does not damage land, is safe for nature, and has much better dynamic performance and cross-country capabilities than any ATV," the company said, quoted by MailOnline.

In the video featuring the first model, this electric ATV looks capable of crossing sharp stones, overcoming tree trunks, and driving through shallow water with little difficulty.

"The vehicle of all terrain is capable of overcoming major hurdles at high speed," said 18 Wheels inventor and founder Eldar Aliev.

'I mean, rocks with a height of up to 35 centimeters, fallen trees, sidewalks, and even stairs. All our terrain vehicles can cross stairs. Dare I say no other vehicle on the planet can do it," said Aliev.

"Vehicles of all terrain we put very low pressure on the soil, so as not to damage land, grass and parks," added Aliev.

Aliev said his company was now seeking further investment ahead of the launch of their second pre-production prototype this year.

On its website, 18 Wheels also stated that they plan to conduct a prototype trial for anyone who wants to try it