Development Of Lantigiang Island Sales Of Rp900 Million To A Woman, Seller Checked By Police

JAKARTA - The sale of Lantigiang Island in Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi caused a stir. This island was sold by Syamsu Alam to a woman named Asdianti Baso for IDR 900 million.

Based on the investigation, Asdianti is a Director of PT Selayar Mandiri Utama and Takabonerate Dive Resort. Asdianti has also been a sales consultant for Baso Bali Property.

Syamsu sold the island because he felt like the owner. Even though the island of Lantigiang in the national park area is a utilization zone. Zones that have the potential and representation of marine natural resources that can be used as objects of natural tourism attraction and utilization of other environmental services.

Thus, the land on the island of Lantigiang cannot be owned by the community. However, the community may be involved in tourism management in the area.

"Because the island of Lantigiang is a zone of use, in this case the Takabonerate National Park Office has designed a master plan for tourism management on the island of Lantigiang," said the Head of the Selayar Islands Police Chief AKBP Temmangnganro Machmud in an official statement, Sunday, January 30.

Temmangnganro said that currently his party was investigating the alleged sale of the Lantigian Island case. In fact, his party has checked the seller and several people who know the sales process.

"We have visited the place and checked the locations that are suspected to have been sold and taken the statements of several witnesses," he said.

He said, his party will continue to collect evidence in this case. "To determine the parties who suffer losses related to the sale of Lantigian Island," he said.