Asked About TEAM's Revitalization Polemic, Anies Even Invited To Play TikTok

JAKARTA - It seems that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan is addicted to playing the TikTok application. When he was asked about the issue of the DKI problem, he even asked him to play TikTok.

Anies first played TikTok on Wednesday, February 20. Before holding the plenary meeting, he was invited by members of the DKI DPRD to play a video recording application that was polished with the song.

In the video uploaded by the chairman of the Gerindra faction, Rani Mauliani, Anies demonstrates the Dj Jellyfish dance. This video was also uploaded on the Instagram account of DKI DPRD Deputy Chairman Zita Anjani.

Because this is the first time playing, Anies's hands look stiff when imitating Rani's movements. However, his expression looked happy and tried to make his move.

It turned out that Anies felt at home playing TikTok instead. Last night, in Mata Najwa's live broadcast, Anies returned to playing a typical TikTok song. He played alongside Central Java Governor Ganjar Prabowo and West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.

Until this afternoon, Anies still reverberates about the excitement of playing TikTok. Because, when journalists asked for their response to the polemic of rejection of the commercialization of the revitalization of Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Anies refused to answer and instead invited him to play TikTok.

"Let's do TikTok first," said Anies with a smile before entering the car at the Jakarta State University Sports Hall, Jalan Pemuda, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 20.

Actually, the question about the revitalization of TIM was already addressed to Anies on Wednesday, February 19. When asked for confirmation about the plan to summon Anies by the Commission X DPR RI on the case of rejection of the commercialization of TIM revitalization, Anies was also reluctant to answer.

In fact, Anies only has to answer whether he will fulfill the summons of the DPR or not. "Enough, thank you," said Anies after the plenary meeting at the DKI DPRD Building.

For information, artists who are members of the Taman Ismail Marzuki Artists Forum (FSPTIM) do not want any commercialization in the revitalization of the TEAM which is managed by BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro).

FSPTIM does not believe that JakPro is not taking advantage after working on the TIM revitalization project. In order to voice their demands, the artists reported to Commission X DPR RI.

FSPTIM spokesperson, Tatan Daniel, said that basically JakPro is a DKI Jakarta Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD). It is clear, according to him, that JakPro will seek profit from the regional capital investment (PMD) costs for the revitalization of the TIM that come from the DKI Regional Budget.

"We reject Jakpro looking for money here (TIM). Here is an expression space for artists. If hotels and cafes are to be built, then the Jakarta bourgeoisie will hang out here," said Tatan.

FSPTIM asked DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to cancel DKI Governor Regulation Number 63 of 2019. This Pergub assigned JakPro to work on the revitalization of the TEAM. In addition, JakPro is also mandated to manage the PKJ TIM Infrastructure and Facilities for 28 years.

"If we are still in Pergub, we will sue in court," he said.