Mahfud MD Asks Kabasarnas Case To Continue To Military Court, Here's The Complete Statement

JAKARTA - OTT Basarnas polemic about the status of suspect Kabasarnas MarsMarsekal Henri Alfiandi has become a polemic. Deputy Chairman of the KPK Johanis Tanak apologized for the mistake of KPK investigators regarding the Basarnas OTT.

Regarding this polemic, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD emphasized that mistakes and procedural issues should not make the handling of further cases of the KPK OTT results stop. Military courts against suspected bribes originating from the TNI must be carried out.

The following is Mahfud MD's full statement:

1. Even though it must be regretted, the problem that has occurred no longer needs to be debated for long. The important thing is that law enforcement continues to be carried out on the substance of the problem, namely corruption.

2. Why should you continue the main problem and stop advancing the procedure? Because the KPK has admitted to having made procedural mistakes, while on the other hand the TNI has also received the substance of the problem, namely allegations of corruption to be followed up based on the competence of military justice.

3. The important thing is that the corruption problem whose substance has been informed and coordinated previously with the TNI must be continued and resolved through the Military Court. The debate about this in public space should not cause the substance of the case to run away so that it does not end up in the Military Court.

4. Although sometimes there are criticisms that it is difficult to bring military personnel to court, usually if a case is able to enter a military court, the sanctions are very strict with clear legal construction.