Alleged Negligence In The Case Of Justyn Vicky's Death Was Hit By Barbel 210 Kg At The Bali Gym Investigated By The Police

DENPASAR - Denpasar City Police are investigating allegations of intentional or negligence in the case of the death of a bodybuilder from Jember, East Java, Herman Fausiatau Justyn Vicky (34) at the Gymnasium Paradise Bali, Sanur, Denpasar City.

The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, said that currently Denpasar Police investigators were investigating the case of the bodybuilder's death, which was allegedly crushed by a barbell weighing 210 kilograms.

Jansen said that although the official report did not come in, the Denpasar Police continued to carry out an in-depth process to shed light on the incident by making a model A report, namely a report made by a member of the National Police who knew or directly found the incident that occurred.

"So far, it is suspected that the statements of the existing witnesses were an accident, but the Denpasar Police have issued LP model A for the basis of deepening and investigation if the possibility outside of a pure accident does not rule out the possibility that there will be an element of intent or negligence," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 28.

If during the course of the investigation, investigators find criminal elements such as intentional and negligence, then of course someone will be named a suspect.

"If it turns out that there is an element of intent and even negligence, of course the legal process will continue. This is being investigated by colleagues from the Denpasar Police. Model A LP has been made, conclusions have been made, further investigation will be carried out," said Kombes Jansen.

In addition, the police are also investigating the reason why the management of the Gymnasium The Paradise Bali did not report the incident to the police after the incident.

"That (the reason for not reporting to the police) is being investigated again. There will be seen from the incident, which was suspected earlier whether it was a pure accident or if there was an element of intent or negligence, it will be seen later, both from CCTV, witness testimony, then recordings," said the former Denpasar Police Chief.

The deepening was also carried out on Vicky's colleague who recorded the moment when the athlete was hit by 210 kilograms of barbell.

From the provisional testimony of the witness who recorded it, the incident just happened without the prediction that it would be a disaster for the bodybuilder as well as the fitness influencer.

"Incidentally, the one who recorded it was a friend of the deceased. It was also synchronized, checked starting from the start, starting activities. What does it mean to record. If it is (witness testimony) there is no planning, but we will investigate if there is an element of intent, we will see later," said Jansen.

In this case, the Denpasar Police have examined four witnesses, processed the crime scene and analyzed the results of the hospital's examination regarding the cause of death of the victim. The police also examined Denpasar City BPBD officers who at that time took the athlete to the Wangaya Regional Public House in Denpasar.