South Sulawesi Governor Wants Unhas CPCD Research And Development Center To Play A Role, JK Gives Conflict Resolution Direction

MAKASSAR - Hasanuddin University inaugurated the Center for Research and Development (Puslitbang) for Peace, Conflict and Democracy or the Center for Peace, Conflict, and Democracy (CPCD).

The CPCD was inaugurated virtually by former Vice President Jusuf Kalla. Also attending were the Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah, the Rector of Unhas at his time and a number of other figures.

Unhas Rector Prof. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, explained that Unhas CPCD had long been initiated. The presence of CPCD is intended to make Unhas more productive in promoting peace, overcoming conflicts, and strengthening democracy, both in Indonesia and in the world.

"Unhas has a lot of research, both by lecturers and students on conflict and democracy. We provide assistance in conflict areas, such as in Poso. Most importantly, we have a national and world figure, Mr. Jusuf Kalla. He plays a role in efforts to resolve conflicts in various places. The presence of this CPCD is a step to unite these resources and potentials, ”said Dwia in a written statement.

Operationally, CPCD Unhas is equipped with three divisions, namely, the Research and Development Division, for research and publication activities, and building partnerships with other Centers of Excellence, both at home and abroad.

The Training and Education Division, for training and public education, prepares peacebuilders and peace makers, especially the younger generation, to produce great negotiators and become political and democracy consultants.

Then the Risk Data Management Division, to prepare conflict data in anticipation of conflict, maps the character of the conflict in each region in Indonesia, so that each region has a conflict data record.

"If it gets the approval of the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees, in the future CPCD will open regular education programs in the fields of peace, conflict and democracy," said Dwia.

Meanwhile, the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, said that the presence of this Research and Development Center has an important meaning for the local government. All government policies must bring benefits to society, so there must be research and a scientific basis that supports it so that policies can be measured.

"This study center is very strategic in making policies and studies and providing solutions to conflicts and improving the quality of democracy, especially in South Sulawesi," said Nurdin Abdullah in his speech.

Experience as a nation is sufficient with various conflicts which have provided important lessons. The violent approach always creates continued violence. Conflict should never be responded to slowly or wrongly in making decisions.

"We in South Sulawesi make dialogue a tradition in the form of communication, formal and informal, for all stakeholders. Finding out the root of the conflict is the main key to resolving conflict," said Nurdin Abdullah.

Meanwhile Jusuf Kalla described his experience in resolving conflicts in Indonesia, as well as abroad. JK explained how the construction of conflict in Indonesia from the independence era to the present.

"Peace is a situation of no conflict, on the other hand conflict is a situation of no peace. Meanwhile, democracy is the way for us to be a state and society, with the aim of creating a peaceful situation and overcoming conflicts. So these three concepts are one unit, ”said JK.

From his experience of dealing with various conflicts, JK assessed that the main cause of conflict is dissatisfaction, imbalance, or disharmony. So there needs to be an institution that always studies, so that the potential for conflicts that have the potential to destroy the social order can be identified early on.

"We must know the character of the conflicting parties, know what their needs and aspirations are. That's the method I often use. Before mediation, I always study the character and background of the parties, ”said JK.