Filming In Labuan Bajo, Haico Van Der Veken Learns Many New Things

JAKARTA - Haico Van der Veken will appear again in the big screen film as the main character, through a comedy drama film entitled Miss Sweet Sayange. The last time the actress became the main character in the big screen film occurred in 2019 through Kain Kafan Hitam.

Through the film Miss Sweet Sayange, Haico Van der Veken plays a local resident of Labuan Bajo named Sikka. He describes his character as a woman with a strong personality who has a high educational background for the people in Labuan Bajo.

Not without reason Haico decided to return to acting in big screen films, he also felt challenged to play the character of a real Labuan Bajo woman like Sikka.

"This film brings what is in Labuan Bajo, so it's really interesting for me. In addition, I'm also interested in playing Bajo, even though I don't have experience, but I can actually learn new things," said Haico Van der Veken during a press conference in Kemang, South Jakarta on Thursday, July 27.

One of the most difficult things that Haico has to go through in playing Sakka is dialogue using the Bajo dialect. Batuh waktu for him to speak fluently with Bajo dialect.

"It's hard to get used to (the dialogue using the Bajo dialect). We study a few days before filming, but we get used to it using the dialect every day," said Haico Van der Veken.

Another challenge while filming in Labuan Bajo is the very hot weather. It is known that Haico's face acne arises when he has been shooting there for almost a month.

"If I'm about acne, it's not entirely Labuan Bajo. If I go anywhere, I'll definitely break out, it's normal. But it's really hot," said Haico.

Talking about a comeback to the big screen, Haico said that it doesn't mean he left the screen, but because the search for new challenges outside the soap opera. In the future, he will continue to act on the big screen or the small screen, depending on the offer.

"The first time I was offered Miss Sweet Sayange, I was immediately interested. I wanted to explore outside the soap opera," said Haico Van der Veken.

"We'll see later, if there is a film, take it, if there are soap operas and series, take it. I will take what I can take and have a good story. I want to continue to develop to become a better actor," he concluded.