4 Years Chasing Pesinetron Evan Marvino, This Aceh Girl Is Finally Married

JAKARTA - Matchmaking always finds its own way. Sometimes the story also doesn't make sense. Like the love story of Evan Marvino, who married his own fan, last January 15.

Nitami, Evan's wife is from Aceh. Nitami himself has admired Evan since he played in the soap opera Street Children. Since 2014, even Nitami has never stopped sending direct messages to Evan's Instagram.

They shared this story on the YouTube channel Verrel Bramasta. Evan talked a lot about the beginning of his relationship with Tami.

"She (Tami) DM from 2015, then DM, I'm tired, for several years, DM has not stopped," said Evan, quoted from the YouTube channel VRL Bramasta, Saturday, January 30.

At that time, Evan considered Tami the same as other fans. Moreover, Evan also has a girlfriend.

"This is why people are not tired of DM, the struggle. He witnessed me changing girls several times, then I wanted to get married. At first I wanted to get married, but it failed, ”added Evan.

The failed marriage plan was the beginning of their matchmaking path. "I broke up, then he (Tami) said, 'why did you break up, sis, even though it really fits, like this'" said Evan.

Departing from the message that made Evan and Tami close. "Maybe when I was upset he came in. Right there I confided in, then I casually asked 'you are ready to get married' "said Evan.

Tami herself admitted that she was reluctant to date because she was lazy to break up and was ready to get married when in a relationship. And finally Evan Marvino officially married Nitami.