New Chapter Of Anies Joker Meme Case

JAKARTA - Photo reporting of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, which was modified to resemble the Joker, finally entered the investigation process at Polda Metro Jaya. The investigators also examined Ade Armando as the reported party.

The examination on Wednesday morning, November 20, felt so long. It took investigators approximately 3 hours to extract information from Ade Armando. About 16 questions were asked by the investigator.

Of the dozens of questions asked, only a few referred to the subject matter. Investigators are still investigating the origin of the photo.

"Of the dozens of questions, only 6 or 7 questions were related to the case," said Ade Armando at Polda Metro Jaya.

During the examination, Ade Armando said that he got the meme photo from one of the WhatsApp groups. Who made the meme, Ade admitted that he didn't know. So for him, the report posted by Fahira Idris was considered a wrong target because it was not Ade who changed or damaged the photo.

"I didn't make it, modify it, modify it and add it to the picture. I don't know who sent it to me," said Ade.

"I got it from the WA group. So I uploaded something spread and actually a lot," he added

Ade admitted that the photo was uploaded to Facebook. The aim was only to criticize Governor Anies Baswedan about the budget plan. Because only for shame glue, the money prepared reaches tens of billions.

"I think the picture represents the attitude of many Jakarta people and myself about what Pak Anies is doing, namely the DKI Regional Government issued a budget plan of Rp. 82 billion for disgrace," said Ade.

After being questioned, Ade sent a message to Fahira. He asked Fahira to prioritize the issue of using people's money in the Regional Government Budget (APBD) rather than the case of the "Anies Joker" meme. Especially with Fahira Idris' status as a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD).

"Bu Fahira, as a DPD member, is why taking care of this meme business while there is something much more important for the community, namely related to the use of public money in the regional government budget," said Ade.

Previously, Fahira Idris reported Ade Armando to Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, November 1. The reporting is in the aftermath of a meme uploaded by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan with makeup for the fictional character Joker by Ade Armando.

The report is registered in the report number LP / 7057 / XI / 2019 / PMJ / Dit. Reskrimsus, November 1, 2019. Thus, Ade Armando is suspected of violating Article 32 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 48 paragraph 1 Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.