Recovering From COVID-19, Khofifah Immediately Went To The Field

SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa on the 29th day finished undergoing independent isolation. The results of the swab tests showed that Governor Khofifah was negative for COVID-19.

"Alhamdulillah, the Governor's swab result has been negative and was declared cured by the team of doctors. This is thanks to the prayers of the people of East Java. The Governor immediately started his activities on Saturday," East Java Provincial Secretary Heru Tjahjono told reporters, Saturday, January 30.

He emphasized that the condition of the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, who has been in isolation so far, is in a healthy condition because he is a person without symptoms (OTG).

In line with the Provincial Secretary Heru, Member of the East Java Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force Curative Team, Dr. M Hafidin Ilham confirmed, information that the results of Governor Khofifah's PCR swab had been negative and declared cured.

"Governor Khofifah underwent the fifth swab on Friday (29/1) yesterday. The results came out at 21.30 last night and it was negative. The governor clinically has no complaints whatsoever, the laboratory is also negative and the governor has undergone an independent isolation period of almost a month. , "said the doctor who is familiarly called Dr. Ilham, who is also the Director of the Surabaya Menur Hospital.

Governor Khofifah conducted a swab test on December 31, 2020 and came out positive for COVID-19 on January 1, 2021. The governor has been in isolation since January 2, 2021.