Why Does Fine Hair Grow On The Face? You Must Know The Cause!

JAKARTA - Do you feel that your face has fine hairs that are different in number from that of women in general? Maybe you often ask what causes these hairs to appear on your face. Now, your questions will be answered and you won't need to be confused anymore!

The first factor in the appearance of fine hair on the face is due to hormones. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can cause fine hairs to appear on the face and this is a normal occurrence. So, you don't need to be surprised anymore!

Then, the second factor is weight gain. It should be noted that when you gain weight, fine hairs will appear on your face. This is because when body weight increases, insulin and androgen production will make fine hairs increase. So that not infrequently fine hairs will grow in the face area.

This is also the reason why when you gain weight, your face also looks dull and rough. However, when you lose weight, your face will look brighter and smoother.

The last factor is steroid-based drugs and the use of skincare. Are you one of the women who diligently uses skincare every day? You need to know that, the types of drugs that contain excessive steroids can cause the growth of fine hair on the face.

Steroids can make your face brighter faster, but if you use them too much, the fine hairs on your face will appear more quickly.

Therefore, from now on, it would be better to first confirm what ingredients are contained in skincare products before using them.