5 Types Of Healthy Food Body Deodorizing

JAKARTA - The problem of body odor is experienced by most people. This starts with the sweat that the body produces and then it gets mixed with bacteria in the skin. The body then releases smelly acids.

To control body odor, you can do several things. Most people use deodorants or powders to prevent sweat on the underarm area which is the most common cause of body odor.

But in addition to external methods, eliminating body odor can also be done from within. You do this by eating the right food. Experts suggest some deodorizing foods.

These foods contain compounds that can naturally get rid of body odor. There are also foods that can improve digestion because they are associated with releasing unpleasant odors from the body.

Quoted from various sources, here are 5 good body odor removal foods that are good for regular consumption:

Green vegetable

These deodorizing foods are easy to obtain and full of nutrients. Try regular consumption of green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, or mustard greens. This type of vegetable is high in chlorophyll content.

Chlorophyll is associated with a number of health benefits, one of which is to neutralize the compounds that cause body odor in the body. Another bonus, green vegetables also contain many vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

High-fiber foods

Digestive health is linked to body odor problems. Try to eat foods high in fiber to improve digestion.

That way the compounds that cause body odor in food can be disposed of more quickly through feces and less through sweat. Consumption of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can be a solution.

Citrus fruit

This deodorizing food has a refreshing taste. You can eat lots of citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, or grapefruit. The acid content in citrus fruits helps encourage water flow throughout the body, thereby minimizing the presence of toxins. Apart from being eaten whole, you can also drink orange juice or lemon water in the morning as an option.

Teh herbal

Herbal tea, especially peppermint is said to be effective as deodorizing foods. This type of tea improves digestion so that nothing bad is left in the body. Another option is jasmine tea. The aroma of this tea can make your body smell fresher too.


The active cultures in yogurt are effective at reducing the number of sulfite compounds that cause body odor. Another bonus, the vitamin D in yogurt helps fight bad breath causing bacteria. Conversely, eat less milk if you want to keep your body odor fresh. Milk contains choline which causes bad body odor.