List Of Pertamina Gas Stations Selling Pertamax Green 95 In Jakarta And Surabaya

YOGYAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) started selling Pertamax Green 95 fuel oil (fuel) on Monday 24 July. The latest fuel price was inaugurated at IDR 13. 500 per liter. Which do you think Pertamina gas stations sell firstx green 95?

Pertamina Patra Niaga President Director Riva Siahaan said, in the early session, Pertamax Green 95 was marketed through 15 gas stations spread across Jakarta and Surabaya. Consisting of 5 gas stations in Jakarta and 10 gas stations in Surabaya.

"By introducing or selling Pertamax Green 95 products for the first time today, it is hoped that this can be an option or a new choice for customers with good quality," he said in the soft launching of Pertamax Green 95 at the MT Haryono gas station, Jakarta.

Pertamax Green 95 itself is the result of Pertamax mixing with Bioethenol at 5 percent (E5). Bioethenol is ethanol or alcohol compounds originating from plants, and in this case Pertamina uses sugar cane.

Pertamax Green 95 can be used by 2-wheeled or 4-wheeled vehicles. This product, which has an octane value of 95 or RON 95, is claimed to be able to provide better vehicle acceleration than its predecessor fuel, Pertamax RON 92.

"By consuming RON 95, it will always make the vehicle engine clean," said Riva.

There is also a list of gas stations in Jakarta that sell Pertamax Green 95, namely:

1. MT Haryono gas station,

2. Fatmawati 1 gas station

3. Fatmawati 2 gas station,

4. Lenteng Agung gas station,

5. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kebayoran gas station.

6. Jemursari gas station,

7. Soetomo gas station,

8. Mulyosari gas station,

9. Merr gas station,

10. Ketintang gas station,

11. Karang Asem gas station,

12. Mastrip gas station,

13. Citra Raya Boulevard gas station,

14. Juanda gas station, and

15. Buduran gas station.

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