The National Police Chief Ensures That The Community Can Monitor Members' Movements, Including Criticism Of Law Enforcement

JAKARTA - National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that his party was ready to be criticized in the law enforcement process. This is proven by opening a monitoring mechanism that can be accessed by all parties.

"We have opened a monitoring mechanism that can be directly accessed by the public," said Listyo at the PP Muhammadiyah office, Jakarta, Friday, January 29.

With this mechanism, said Listyo, the public can immediately report members of the National Police who abuse their authority. In fact, the police will immediately follow up on the report.

This is also part of the implementation of the National Police's work program. Where, all law enforcement must be carried out transparently.

"Once the service is not good, then the community can then report and it is immediately responded to by the leaders. Then we do evaluation steps, whether we reprimand, fix it and so on," he said.

"This is part of our commitment, we are ready to be criticized for future improvements in the police force," he continued.

The implementation, said Listyo, is currently still in process. This is because the National Police is also developing an online service mechanism.

"We also make transparency so that more days with the service process we are doing with the online system," he said.