The Governor Of Edy Is Furious About The Case Of Cat Slaughter In Medan: My People Can't, It's Very Bad

MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi is furious about the case of cat slaughter in Medan which has gone viral on social media. The Governor of North Sumatra, Edy, reminded residents not to do the same thing.

“I am an animal lover, my cat is a lot of times. Surely that person is not right, cats are not consumed by people, cats are pets, ”said Governor Edy Rahmayadi in his statement video, Friday, January 29.

"For this reason, my people should not (slaughter cats), certainly not, even though I do not understand what the rules of the law are. But aesthetics, ethics are very bad, there is still a lot we can eat other things, "he said.

From the development of the case, the Medan Area Police is still tracing the cat slaughter incident in Medan. This case went viral after the cat owner posted it on Instagram.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Area Police, Iptu Rianto, said that the investigation of the cat butcher case is now in the stage of pocketing the names of the perpetrators. The perpetrator is suspected of having the initials NS, a resident of Jalan Tangguk Bongkar VII, Medan.

"The victim has already made a report, and only today we want to complete the witnesses, who was his friend Sonia (the victim) yesterday and what was the statement. Hopefully there can be a meeting point quickly. The alleged perpetrator is one person, NS," said Rianto, Friday, 29 January.

Rianto explained that when officers investigated the location of the slaughterhouse, they found the cat's limbs.

However, what the officer found was not part of Sonia's cat. The victim has buried his cat's head.

According to Rianto, the perpetrator could be charged under Article 302 of the Criminal Code for mistreating animals. This article is considered too light.

"But we can also use Article 362 of the Criminal Code, theft, because this cat is a Persian cat has a value. This theft has all or part of it, he wants to have it because the meat is sold," he continued.

Butcher case. This cat surfaced after Sonia, who lost a cat, received information about the pet theft case.

"Then he looked for it, finally got it and met him in the Tangguk Bongkar area, yes. Then he opened it in one gunny he found it, allegedly the head of the cat. So, yesterday he did not know who the thief was, only as far as he knew the suspected perpetrator was his house there and everyone else. he knew he was a cat butcher, "said Rianto.