Vice President Reminds TNI/Polri To Be Alert To Potential Insecurity Ahead Of The 2024 General Election

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded the TNI/Polri to always be alert to potential security vulnerabilities ahead of the 2024 simultaneous elections.

This was conveyed by the Vice President while giving a public lecture to Participants of the Regular Education Program Batch (PPRA) LXV and Short Education Program (PPSA) XXIV Year 2023 National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas), at the Gajah Mada Auditorium, Lemhannas Dwi Warna building, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 25.

"The central and regional governments, along with the TNI and Polri, are supporting elements for the success of the 2024 simultaneous elections/Pilkada. Therefore, I hope that leaders at the central and regional levels, as well as the TNI and Polri, will continue to be alert in maintaining synergy, security, and peace, including being aware of threats on social media that have the potential to divide society," said the Vice President.

In the public lecture which was attended by 79 participants who were projected to become future leaders in the TNI/Polri agencies, ministries, and institutions, the Vice President said that the constantly changing global situation would also affect the domestic situation.

Digital technology triggers disruption in many lines of life, while also offering opportunities for growth.

The Vice President assessed that this situation requires leaders to have the ability to think critically, quickly and accurately, in addressing global issues that are increasingly complex and difficult to predict, as well as formulating policies that bring benefits and solutions to various national, regional, and international problems.

"In the region, Indonesia pays close attention to the influence of world power rivalries in the Asia Pacific. Through its 2023 ASEAN Chair, Indonesia consistently promotes peace, preventive diplomacy to prevent open conflict, as well as efforts to strengthen cooperation and dialogue," he said.

The Vice President also requested that the participants who attended later become leaders who are inclusive, have national insight, the ability to maintain harmony in diversity, and make diversity a strength through the application of moderation.

"Moderation must always be upheld by leaders. Peaceful narratives must always be prioritized, including on social media," the Vice President said.

On the other hand, the Vice President also reminded that through digital platforms, leaders can reach a broad public and various stakeholders. He encourages leaders to set an example in building social trust, sealing ukhuwah knots, and eradicating the threat of division, including the consequences of spreading hoaxes.

The Vice President appealed to leaders to be able to optimize the talents and abilities of the people they lead and emphasized that all leaders continue to uphold and practice the noble values of Pancasila which have been agreed upon as the nation's ideology, and apply them to the ranks they lead.

"Let's take Bung Hatta as an example who taught the Indonesian people to have their own principles, even though at that time our nation was just born," said the Vice President.