Minimizing Misunderstanding Talking Finances With Your Partner

JAKARTA - There is a saying that money is a source of trouble. Money can cause friendships to end, cause enmity between siblings, and break up relationships.

These reasons may make you reluctant to start talking about finances with your partner for fear of causing a fight. In fact, there are easy ways to create the right atmosphere when it comes to talking about finances with your partner.

Choose the right time

If you want to discuss sensitive topics, it's best to choose the right time so that the atmosphere when chatting becomes fun.

According to Stephany Kirkpatrick, LearnVest Director of Financial Planning suggests choosing a weekend if you want to talk about money.

By choosing a weekend, you and your partner will feel calmer because you don't worry about work problems and can talk at length without arguing.

Start with light topics

Opening conversations about finances is not easy. To be more relaxed, you can open a small talk topic about a friend who started saving gold and then ask your partner's opinion, for example.

In addition to appearing relaxed, you indirectly ask your partner's opinion about finances. He will be flattered to know that his opinion is also needed.

Avoid feeling angry

Never discuss finances in anger. Your problem is not solved by fighting or yelling. If this month's bill upsets you because it's over the limit, it's a good idea to wait for your anger to subside before you start talking to your partner.

Schedule it regularly

Having open discussions about money on a regular basis will get you and your partner used to talking about money issues. There is no more awkwardness and financial problems can be resolved quickly.


Secretly having special savings on expensive shoes and bags? or special funds to buy the latest gadgets? As much as possible, tell your partner. This way, he won't be surprised and suspicious of why you can buy a new bag every month.