Do You Know Yet? Starting February 1, Sri Mulyani Implements Taxes For Purchasing Credit, Electricity Tokens, And Game Vouchers

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance plans to impose a value added tax (VAT) and income tax (PPh) collection for trading activities for pulses, starter packs, tokens and vouchers.

Quoting the Directorate General of Taxes broadcast, this rule is contained in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 6 /Pmk.03/2021 concerning Calculation and Collection of Value Added Tax and Income Tax on Submission / Income in connection with the sale of credit, starter packs, tokens and vouchers. .

What is interesting is the matter of taxation for credit sellers because Article 2 of this regulation states that the delivery of taxable goods by telecommunication service providers and distribution operators is subject to VAT.

"The tax as referred to is calculated by multiplying the VAT rate by 10 percent (ten percent) with the Tax Base," wrote the regulation.

Then, the government also collects taxes for voucher segmentation which includes the issuance and management of vouchers, and / or delivery of vouchers to distribution providers, buyers, and / or service recipients.

"Vouchers as referred to in paragraph (1) at least include shopping vouchers (gift vouchers), application vouchers, or online content (online), including online game vouchers (online game)," is written in Article 9 Paragraph 4.

"This Ministerial Regulation comes into force on February 1, 2021," concluded the regulation which was promulgated on January 22.