Be Patient For 2 Weeks, Police Headquarters Finally Arrested 5 Drug Dealers Controlled By Malaysian Citizens

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri arrested a group of drug traffickers on the Malaysia-Batam network. In this case, the boss controlling the group was a Malaysian Citizen (WN).

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the group leaders or regulators were known based on the results of the investigation of the perpetrators. A total of 5 people were arrested in this case.

"There is a boss from Malaysia who is in control," Argo told reporters at the National Police Headquarters, Friday, January 29.

For the arrest of this group, Argo said it began with information about drug shipments via Batam in December 2020. So that information was followed up until it was congested in one location, namely, Tanjung Umma, Lubuk Baja, Batam City.

For about two weeks of waiting, members who were on guard finally found a black Daihatsu Sigra passing by, on January 21. The car was under suspicion because it was not driving like other cars.

After being followed, the members immediately stopped the car. Then try to catch the two people who were in the car. However, during the process of arresting one of the perpetrators, SK alias Sefri had to be shot in the leg for trying to escape.

Meanwhile, for one other actor, MNS alias Nofri gave up without a fight. So that immediately arrested by officers.

"When the driver stopped him and his running companion, he avoided the officers. Jumped from the vehicle and ran. We shot a warning. Finally we took firm action regarding the leg, which we managed to paralyze," said Argo.

Then, the officers immediately searched the car that was previously used by the two perpetrators. As a result, 2 white sacks were found, each containing a plastic jerry can. Inside the plastic jerry can, there is a black bag containing narcotics such as Shabu, Ecstasy and Happy Five (H5).

"Then the officers secured the two suspects who brought the goods," said Argo.

From that catch, the police re-developed it. Based on the perpetrator's statement, the police succeeded in arresting two other perpetrators. They were HY alias Ferdi and H who were arrested in the Duyung area, Fruit Market, Lubuk Baja, Batam City.

"He was standing on the side of the road. He was watching. He apparently knew that a zebra vehicle was arrested by officers. This member also knew that the two perpetrators saw it. Finally we caught it too," he said.

In addition, the police also arrested 1 perpetrator with the initials RFH alias Rizki. He was involved in the drug group. However, the police are still hunting down two other people who are still at large.

"There are two people we are still after," said Argo.

In this case, the evidence confiscated included 8 packs of Shabu weighing 8,206 grams brutto, 21,000 ecstasy pills, 220 Happy Five (H5), 3 cellphones and 1 black Daihatsu Sigra.

In addition, all suspects are charged under Article 114 paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 ayar 1 RI Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics, death penalty, life sentence or imprisonment for a minimum of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison and a minimum fine of IDR 1 billion and a maximum of Rp. 10 billion.

And article 112 paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 Paragraph 1 of RI Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a minimum fine of IDR 800 million.