Making A Post On Facebook, Kristen Gray Denies Ever Being Hunted And Arrested By Indonesian Intelligence Or Immigration

JAKARTA - Kristen Gray made an open statement via her Facebook account. In his writing on the Ubud Community account on Facebook, he clarified several things related to the busy news around him.

Regarding his tweet on Twitter, Kristen said that she did not mean to disrespect Indonesian culture, especially Balinese culture. He admitted to making it based on personal experience and he admitted it was wrong.

"A lot of things are said to be separate, misinterpreted and misinterpreted through translation but I take full responsibility for the miskisn words and special language in my tweets," he said.

"I am saying things that local and indigenous Indonesian people feel hurt. Sorry for the dissemination of this information. I do not intend to go viral," he added.

In his writing, Kristen Gray makes several clarifications. What is interesting is the matter of his arrest and deportation. He admitted that he had never been a fugitive and was arrested.

"I have never been hunted down and arrested by intelligence or Indonesian immigration, I traveled to immigration myself to clarify my tweets," he wrote.

Kristen Gray also apologized to LGBTQIA + Indonesia related to her invitation to come to Bali. He hopes that his apology can be understood and accepted.

Until this news was made, the post had received 304 comments and 545 likes.

Previously, Kristen Gray made the country crowded by inviting foreigners to move to Bali. His tweet via the Twitter account @kristentooti became busy, leading to his deportation for committing immigration violations.

Kristen Gray was deported in connection with violations stipulated in article 75 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 letter f of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning Immigration.

"American citizens on behalf of Kristen Antoinette Gray are subject to administrative immigration action in the form of deportation," said the Head of the Regional Office for the Ministry of Justice and Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk.