Judging By The Hirsutism Condition That Makes Women Hairy All Over Their Body

JAKARTA - Compared to women, men generally have more body hair and spread. Of course it's not unusual for men to have hair down to the face and chest area. While for women, hair generally grows abundantly on the head, then there are fine hairs in the armpits, pubic area, legs and arms.

However, there is a condition that allows women to have thicker hair all over their bodies. This is called hirsutism.

Dana, a 32-year-old woman from Portland, Oregon, United States of America, is an example. Since childhood he lived in a warm climate so that the children there generally wore shorts. However, with Dana's body covered in hair, she was often ridiculed.

"When I was 12 years old, I started plucking my eyebrows and whitening my mustache. As I get older, I will wax and use an epilator for hair that was not removed with wax. I even tried laser hair removal, but the results were bad and very painful, "said Dana.

"Even after shaving, I still feel hairy, my skin is never smooth. With chronic pain and fatigue, it only consumes so much of my limited energy."

Darria Long Gillespie, ER (emergency room) doctor said that women diagnosed with hirsutism will have hair growth similar to what you usually see in men.

This condition can occur when in the woman's body there are large amounts of male hormones such as androgens and testosterone. On the other hand, women usually have low androgen levels, but these levels may vary for many reasons.

When the level of androgens is higher, it can over-stimulate the hair glands, leading to more hair growth.

Hair condition, including color and thickness, varies from person to person with hirsutism, largely determined by genetics.

In the mildest cases of hirsutism, women usually experience significant growth of hair on the upper lip, chin, sideburns, around the nipples, or lower abdomen.

People with hirsutism can also experience other symptoms, including oily skin, acne, hair loss, enlarged clitoris, and deeper voices.

Just like women when removing their fine hair, people with hirsutism can do the same. For example shaving, plucking hair with tweezers, threading, waxing, using depilatory creams or aser hair removal.

Of course, these methods must be done regularly every time hair or hair starts to appear. If this is too tiring, of course, you can consult a doctor and ask for advice on taking hair removal drugs.

In some cases, your doctor may give birth control pills to make your body produce less male hormones.