Gathering To PBNU, National Police Chief Wants Synergy Between Umaroh And Ulama

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the headquarters of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 28.

To reporters, General Listyo Sigit said that his arrival was to stay in touch. Moreover, NU is a large organization in Indonesia.

"Increase the synergy of the umaroh and ulama in implementing Harkamtibmas maintenance programs because in the future the National Police may not work without the support and participation of the community," Listyo told reporters, Thursday, January 28.

In addition, Listyo said, his arrival was also to harmonize perceptions about Polri's programs during his leadership. So, later there will be no misunderstanding.

"Of course, in order to synergize the programs that we will carry out in the future," he said

The result of the meeting, continued Listyo, was that PBNU fully supports Polri's programs. In fact, they will help each other in creating security in society from the top to the bottom.

"So thank you once again to all the leaders of the Central NU and earlier we were given access to the branches to work together. So the Head of the Police with the NU Branch administrators, then the Chief of Police with the NU administrators above him to the Polda, we are the Chief of Police in synergy with the leadership of the PBNU Center Pak Kiyai Said Aqil. , "he explained.

"Maybe that's what we will certainly continue to maintain and develop in order to provide a sense of security to the community," he continued