Preparing For Flood Refugees During The Pandemic Period, DKI Separates Public Tents With COVID-19 Suspects

JAKARTA - Plt. The Chief Executive of the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Sabdo Kurnianto, said that the DKI Provincial Government has prepared flood evacuation tents during the rainy season.

Sabdo said, if a flood occurs and residents are forced to evacuate, the tent will be erected. Later, refugee tents for the general public will be separated from vulnerable groups and people suspected of having COVID-19.

"We have determined the layout for the placement of refugee tents with the COVID-19 health protocol, namely separating the general refugee tents, tents for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and the elderly, and tents for close contact / suspected COVID-19," Sabdo said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, 28. January.

To anticipate the accumulation of refugees, the village heads and sub-districts have prepared alternative refugee locations up to three times that of the existing refugee camps.

The DKI Provincial Government will also alert health workers and the local COVID-19 task force to sterilize evacuation sites regularly using disinfectants.

"At the evacuation site, a health screening area, swab area, toilets were also prepared, and provided a hand sanitizer or a place to wash hands equipped with water reservoirs," said Sabdo.

Sabdo said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will conduct a rapid antigen test for residents who are about to flee due to flooding. Screening measures for flood refugees in the rainy season during the pandemic are carried out to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to apply health protocols. So, the problem of rapid antigen is a part that can be done and God willing, we are ready for our own goods," he said.

If the test result is negative, residents can go directly to the evacuation site. Meanwhile, if there are test results that test positive for COVID-19, it will be followed by a PCR test. Then, they will be referred to the referral hospital or isolation area provided by the DKI Provincial Government.

"If something is confirmed, then continue at the referral hospital. Thus, this is part of anticipating the evacuation," he said.