Government Bans ASN Affiliated With FPI, HTI And PKI

JAKARTA - The Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo prohibits the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) from becoming a member or being affiliated with a banned organization.

This is stated in the Joint Circular of Menpan RB Number 2 of 2021. The prohibited organization in this case is an organization whose legal status is revoked.

In this case, the banned organizations are the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Jamaah Islamiyah, the Fajar Nusantara Movement (Gafatar), Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Jamaah Ansharud Daulah (JAD), and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

"Civil Service Officers are required to take steps to prohibit ASN involvement in banned organizations. The prohibition includes prohibiting ASNs from becoming members or having other ties to banned organizations," said Tjahjo as quoted by SE on Thursday, January 28.

Then, ASN is also prohibited from providing support, being sympathizers, using symbols, and being involved in the activities of these banned organizations.

In fact, ASN is also prohibited from using its social media and other media to express support, affiliation, sympathy, involvement in activities, and the use of the symbol of the prohibited organization.

Tjahjo also asked the Civil Service Officer to take precautionary measures so that ASN does not violate the prohibition.

"This includes providing routine training on the basic values of ASN, especially the application of Pancasdila values in the implementation of its duties, as well as other preventive measures deemed necessary according to the provisions," said Tjahjo.

If an ASN is found to have violated the prohibition on involvement with a banned organization, the Civil Service Officer will impose a disciplinary sentence on the ASN.