Sri Mulyani Not Only Cuts Discounts, Customers' Electricity Consumption Of 450 VA And 900 VA Is Also Restricted

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati emphasized that the government will cut electricity tariff discounts for 450 VA and 900 VA customers. The cutting of electricity tariff discount stimulus will be around 25-50 percent, depending on the customer group.

Sri Mulyani explains, people with 450 VA electricity usage who initially received a 100 percent discount will be cut to 50 percent. Meanwhile, for 500 VA customers, the electricity tariff discount is cut from the previous 50 percent to 25 percent.

"This step is part of an effort to adjust the 2021 budget with a social protection budget of IDR 150 trillion from the previous IDR 220 trillion in 2020," said Sri Mulyani during a virtual meeting with Commission XI DPR-RI, Thursday, January 28.

Besides changing the mechanism for providing the electricity tariff stimulus, this time the discount will also be given based on the usage of on hours, which is for 720 hours.

The electricity of 450 VA customers receiving the discount is equivalent to 720 hours of running or 324 kWh. The kWh value is obtained from the formula 0.45 kVA x 720 hours on.

Even so with 900 VA customers. The usage that will receive a discount stimulus is equivalent to 720 hours of running or 648 kWh with a calculation of 0.9 kVA x 720 hours.

This means that customers who use electricity above the 720-hour limit will be charged the normal rate which has been subsidized on a regular basis. However, they did not receive an electricity tariff stimulus.