Acting Mayor Of Makassar Prof. Rudy Refuses To Meet Danny Pomanto's Transition Team
MAKASSAR - Acting Mayor of Makassar Rudy Djamaluddin is reluctant to meet the transition team formed by the mayor of Makassar elected M Ramdhan Pomanto or Danny Pomanto.
Prof. Rudy, his greeting, said that the meeting with the transition team was not important. Currently, he only focuses on working ahead of his term of office as acting Makassar City which is about to end.
"For me, there is no urgency because this has already been determined what my obligations will be," Rudy Djamaluddin told reporters.
The elected mayor / deputy mayor Danny Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi has indeed formed a transition team.
Danny Pomanto's transition team formulated concrete steps in accordance with the vision-mission and strategic program with Fatmawati Rusdi. The transition team is also intended to evaluate a number of policies of the Acting Mayor of Makassar, Rudy Djamaluddin.
The transition team involved several experienced figures including the former Acting Mayor of Makassar, Prof. Yusran Yusuf. Professor of State Administration at Hasanuddin University (Unhas) Prof. Aminuddin Ilmar, figures from the publicity coalition Ustadz Iqbal Djalil, and spatial planning expert Naidah Naing.
Prof. Rudy responded to the transition team by emphasizing that all government agendas were contained in the activity plan in the form of the 2021 APBD and that had been stated. The elected mayor has the authority to make changes in the regional budget.
"So we are no longer in the realm of wanting to make what we want to do, it already exists, in the APBD, and it has been legalized. So we can no longer discuss it, even if it enters the mayor's authority to make changes if their point of view is not supportive. from the side of what he imagined, "said Rudy.
The Danny-Fatma Transition Team is Judged as Legally FlawedThe transition team for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Makassar elected Danny Pomanto and Fatmawati Rusdi (Danny-Fatma) were considered legally flawed.
This was conveyed by the regional autonomy expert, Prof. Dr. Djohermansyah Djohan. According to him, if there is an initiative or initiative from the elected regional head to make a transition, it certainly does not have legality. Moreover, Indonesia does not recognize a transitional model of government, there is no regulation in the regional government law.
"There is no legal basis. This means that if the OPD leader is summoned, there is no obligation to fulfill the summons," he said.
"It is different from the American government system. Meanwhile in Indonesia, starting from the president, governor or regent or mayor, there is no control over the transition, or the transition from the old government to the new government. We do not recognize this concept and it is not normalized in the law," said Djohermansyah.
Juridically, according to him, the regional head only started working after being inaugurated, which incidentally was declared as a regional head.
"That's the Indonesian model. He can only do briefings to the heads of offices, summon bureaucrats within the local government, provide directions to realize the promised program during the campaign period, after he is appointed as regional head," he explained.
He regretted the attitude of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Makassar being elected because they were said to have summoned bureaucrats, especially without the permission of the current authorities.
"Moreover, if you want to change officials, it is not automatic. Waiting for the first 6 months, you can do the mutation according to the merit system. Unless there is a vacant position because someone dies or has retired. That also has to be given the permission of the Minister of Home Affairs," he explained.