In Order Not To Forget Easily, Here's How To Improve your Memory

JAKARTA - The brain's work in storing memories needs to be trained. If it is not trained, the ability will decrease. The effect is you will be easy to forget and often not focused. This means that more and more things need to be remembered, the brain's ability must be continuously trained.

Memory is the ability to obtain, store, and recall any information and experiences. So, how do you improve your memory? According to experts, here's a list of how:

Answer a list of questions

Like how elementary school children learn. After reading the material, it is necessary to answer a quiz or a list of questions to strengthen memory.

According to a psychologist, Adam Grant, we don't need to repeatedly read the material. Testing what materials have been understood and absorbed in memory needs to be done.

Furthermore, remembering requires a structured process. This needs to be done so that the material that is remembered is not fragmented.

Listening to music

Various studies have been conducted to prove that working with music results in faster brain work. This also affects memory activities.

Make sure the brain remains active

There are various activities you can do to hone your brain. Among other things, playing games and exercising. Playing games requires strategy and full attention, for example in chess games or online games such as playing puzzles.

While exercising, not only trains the brain but also trains the body's memory. Like when playing volleyball, soccer, and badminton. All three sports require speed and accuracy.

Using the non-dominant hand

Are you one of the majority of Indonesians who are more active in using the right hand? To improve memory, you can use your left hand. For example, when coloring, writing, and even brushing your teeth in the shower.

Identifying other people

A person may forget how to identify another person. Try to train memory by remembering about the color of clothes, their height, their shoes and so on related to physical characteristics and attributes.

Take notes with pictures

This is the most fun way to remember. You can recall learned memories by describing them without words. You don't need to have drawing skills to sharpen your brain. All that needs to be done is to express your memory with imaginative pictures.

Get enough rest

Remembering takes a long time. Remembering also cannot be forced. This includes times when the body is in bad energy or in a bad mood. That is so that the memory is maintained, it is necessary to have enough rest.

You can get into the habit of sleeping on time for 7 to 8 hours. If you are tired, you can take a break and continue your activities afterward.