Forensic Digital Experts Analyze Thousands Of Video Documents, 21 Of Which Are Related To The Joko Tjandra Case

JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) invited the National Police's digital forensic expert, Police Commissioner Heri Priyanto, to testify at the trial of alleged bribery for the removal of red notice with the accused Joko Tjandra.

During the trial, Heri said that 3,123 video documents were found from the hard drive evidence. But only 21 videos related to the case.

The knowledge of the number of videos related to the case began when the prosecutor questioned what the expert had found when analyzing the hard drive evidence.

"What was found on the hard drive, can you explain in a broad outline?", asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 28.

Kompol Heri said the analysis found thousands of video files. But only a few videos were analyzed because the rest were not related to the case.

"After the imaging process is carried out there are data, namely, 0 images, 3,123 videos, the most audio files. From these data we find information related to the examination in the form of 21 video files", Heri replied.

Then, the prosecutor again questioned the 21 videos. The expert was asked to explain whether the video was handpicked or determined by the investigator.

"There are 21 video files, how to determine them? Are there 21 or it's been sorted so that it is decided to set 21?", said the prosecutor.

Heri said that all the videos he analyzed were the result of coordination with investigators. He is only on duty to analyze the 21 videos.

"Based on the information of the investigators, the investigators who asked for about 3,123 video files, which are related to being examined are only 21 according to the investigator", he said.

In the case of alleged bribery for the removal of red notices, investigators named four people as suspects until they finally entered the court as defendants.

Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo became defendants because they were suspected of receiving bribes for the removal of a red notice. Meanwhile, Tommy Sumardi and Djoko Tjandra were named as defendants on suspicion of givers of bribes.

Joko Tjandra was charged with paying SGD 200 thousand and USD 270 thousand to Inspector General Napoleon and USD 150 thousand to Brigadier General Prasetijo.