Vice President: New Autonomous Regions In Papua Can Close Service To The Community

TIMIKA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said the New Autonomous Region (DOB) was expanded to bring services closer to the welfare of the people in Papua.

"We hope that this new province can bring basic services closer to the Papuan people," he said in Timika as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 12.

The vice president said the government is paying serious attention by giving the presence of a DOB in Papua in the hope of bringing services closer to the community.

According to the Vice President, his party gave high appreciation to PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) for contributing to human development in Papua with the Nemangkawi Mining Institute (IPN).

"I see the presence of IPN as a form of taking sides with reliable and professional labor investments, asking indigenous Papuans," he said.

After seeing the activity at IPN, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin believes that the qualifications of the workers of indigenous Papuans have various skills and reliable knowledge to support the company's performance.

"There are 4,000,000 prospective workers who are educated through IPN and 3,000,000 work at PTFI, the rest are scattered to work throughout Indonesia," he said.

The Vice President also gave high appreciation to the Mimika Regency Government for paying attention to the workers of indigenous Papuans in the BPJS Employment scheme.

"The presence of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan provides social security protection for workers in Indonesia, including in Papua," said Ma'ruf Amin.