Skincare Content For Eliminating Black Flex

JAKARTA - There are many choices to treat your face and get rid of black spots. However, it seems difficult to find the first way to do to start treating dark spots.

Reporting from Self, several doctors revealed about how to handle black spots. Usually begins with looking for the cause then looking for products to disguise and remove black spots.

To get these products, you must understand the exact ingredients of skincare that are effective in removing black spots. What are the ingredients? Here's the information.


Hydroquinone has been the standard for about 50 years in the treatment of dark spots. Hydroquinone works to inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme, which helps produce melanin.

In some cases, the effects of hydroquinone can be seen in as little as two weeks. However, most of them take around 8-12 weeks depending on various factors.

Hydroquinone can cause dry skin, redness and a burning feeling. This indicates an allergic reaction to the material. Before using products that contain hydroquinone, you should first consult an expert.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can be used as an antioxidant to help block free radicals that cause oxidative damage to the face. It will also inhibit the enzymative processes that produce melanin in the skin so that it can reduce the dark color of the skin. Vitamin C also brightens and is targeted only at problematic pigmentation areas.


Soybean extract has been proven by research to help lighten the skin. Soybean works as a spot treatment and prevents melanin from getting into the top layer of the skin. You can find various benefits of soy extract in a number of skincare products to lighten the skin.

Kojic acid

Kojic acid comes from mushrooms or fermented rice. It is used to lighten the skin and is best used in conjunction with hydroquinone for maximum results.

Kojic acid works by suppressing a key factor in the activity of pigment cells. However, kojic acid also carries a risk of allergies because it is often found in concentrations. It took several months to see the benefits of topical use of kojic acid on dark spots.