Acne In The Ear Cause Pain? Here's How To Fix It

Wherever they are, pimples are often annoying. besides disrupting appearance, acne also generally causes uncomfortable pain. Acne is usually red, swollen, and will be painful if it is accidentally touched.

Acne on the face may be more common, but have you ever found it on the ear? The appearance of pimples on the ears can be caused by many factors, such as dirty hair, wearing a helmet that absorbs dust and sweat, dirty pillowcases, or using earphones that are rarely cleaned.

If you have a problem with acne on the ear, here's how to fix it:

Warm water compress

To reduce pain due to the appearance of pimples in the ear, you can compress with warm water. Try cleaning the ear area first, then use alcohol to remove bacteria.

Then, dip a small towel in a container filled with warm water, wring it out, and hold it in the ear for a few moments. However, remember to do it gently and not squeeze pimples because of the risk of inflammation.

Tea tree oil

If you're afraid to apply the first method, you can try to treat acne on the ears with tea tree oil or tea tree essential oil. Besides being useful for skincare, tea tree oil is also effective for relieving acne problems because it has antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Acne spot remedy

You can also treat the problem of acne on the ears with acne spot remedies that are commonly used on the face. If it is suitable, you can also use products containing benzoyl peroxide, it can be in the form of soap, gel, cream, or lotion. This type of acne medication is quite effective in dealing with acne because it can help kill bacteria too.

Maintain cleanliness

Don't forget to always keep the ears area clean. Make sure to wash your hair often. In addition, pay attention to the cleanliness of other objects that often stick to the ears, like earphones, helmets, hats, and hijabs. With better hygiene, you can prevent acne from growing.