Samuel, Patient Victims Of Malpractice At Telogorejo Hospital Semarang Allegedly 'Covid-Right'

JAKARTA - Samuel Reven (26), a patient at Telogorejo Hospital Semarang, who died as a result of suspected malpractice at the hospital, is suspected of having been COVID-19 to obtain a budget from the Ministry of Health.

Erni Marsaulina, Samuel Reven's mother, explained that the suspicion was revealed when the victim was undergoing treatment at the hospital.

He explained that when he entered Telogorejo Hospital, his eldest son had to wait several hours before getting a room.

While waiting for it, he said, hospital officials came with a form that must be filled in if you want to get a room immediately.

"I was offered a form that contained all maintenance costs that will be paid by the Ministry of Health," he said.

The offer, he continued, had been rejected because the family wanted to pay for the treatment independently.

However, according to him, the form was finally signed so that Samuel could immediately get a room.

He said Samuel was finally placed in an isolation room because the COVID-19 rapid test results were reactive.

For four days he was treated in an isolation room until he was finally declared dead, he said, Samuel was tested negative for COVID-19 based on two swab tests and chest X-ray of the lungs.

In fact, Samuel, who was buried in Jakarta, did not go through the COVID-19 protocol at the funeral.

After taking care of various matters relating to the return of the body, the family then took care of the costs of going to the hospital.

"All fees are zeroed, free of charge by the hospital," said the resident of Cijantung, East Jakarta.

Samuel Reven's family themselves reported Telogorejo Hospital to the police on suspicion of malpractice that killed the son of the couple Raplan Sianturi and Erni Marsaulina.

The victim's family wanted to know the exact cause of Samuel's death.

Previously, the management of Telogorejo Hospital, through the Marketing Director, Grace Rutyana, who was confirmed through a short message stated that they had carried out the best treatment and medical treatment according to the standard of treatment for the deceased.

"However, all the human efforts and labors sometimes God has different wishes," he said.

According to him, the entire chronology, process, and medical measures had been explained proportionally and correctly according to the standards of professional organizations to the family.

"Furthermore, we are still willing to mediate with the family, as well as professional organizations or related agencies," he said.