One Foot Of The Conglomerate Chairul Tanjung Has Stepped In Bank Harda Internasional

JAKARTA - The conglomerate Chairul Tanjung has set one foot on PT. Bank Harda Internasional. Yes, just one more step, this man who is familiarly called CT becomes the legal owner of the bank shares code BBHI.

Chairul Tanjung, the ninth richest person in Indonesia, is getting closer to controlling Bank Harda. The reason is, this week, the bank's shareholders will hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) on January 29, 2021 in Jakarta, where one of the agenda is CT's approval to take over Bank Harda.

Quoted from the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Wednesday, January 27, there are three meeting agenda items that will be discussed in a meeting held by Bank Harda.

First, the approval of PT. Mega Corpora's takeover plan, which is owned by businessman Chairul Tanjung, for 3.08 billion shares or around 73.71 percent of the total issued and paid-up shares in the company from PT. Hakimputra Perkasa including the takeover plan and the concept of the deed of takeover.

In his explanation, PT. Hakimputra Perkasa plans to sell its share ownership in the company, amounting to 3.08 billion shares to PT. Mega Corpora.

This takeover transaction is subject to the provisions in the company's articles of association and the laws and regulations regarding takeover as lastly regulated in POJK No.41/POJK.03/2019 concerning merger, consolidation, acquisition, integration and conversion of commercial banks so that it requires a meeting decision on the takeover plan which has been prepared by the Directors of the Company and PT. Mega Corpora as well as approval of the concept of the takeover deed.

Then in the second meeting agenda, namely the approval of the amendments to the company's articles of association. Next, the third meeting agenda item is the change in the company's management.

Previously it was known, on December 4, 2020, PT. Mega Corpora has obtained approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to be able to continue the company's takeover plan.

The plan to take over Bank Harda is still in the process of implementing EGMS approval as one of the conditions for obtaining a takeover permit from OJK.