Mimika Police Investigates Alleged "Prokes" Violation In Kingmi Church's 82nd Anniversary

JAKARTA - The Detective and Criminal Unit of the Mimika Police, Papua, is still investigating the alleged violation of the health protocol (Prokes) regarding the 82nd anniversary of the Kingmi Church's Evangelical Mission, Central Highlands of Papua on Wednesday, January 13.

The crowd who attended the event were also uploaded to YouTube by someone with the acronym 'Nusantara 2'. Head of the Mimika Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Commissioner Adjutant (AKP) Hermanto, said his staff would request information from a number of parties, including the Mimika Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"The plan is that tomorrow we will ask the head of the Mimika Regency Health Service," said Hermanto in Timika, Papua, Wednesday, January 27, as reported by Antara.

The 82nd anniversary of the Kingmi Church is centered on the grounds of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church, Agimuga street, Kuala Kencana District. Based on reports from several parties, the police then intervened and investigated.

"In Jakarta and several other areas in Indonesia the PSBB is being implemented. But in Mimika, now the AKB (New Habit Adaptation) is being implemented. Can the AKB status be applied to the Health Quarantine Law? That's what we are currently investigating," said Hermanto.

Separately, the Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng has clarified his presence at the 82nd anniversary of the Kingmi Church. The Regent of Omaleng admitted that initially he was reluctant to attend the event.

"I didn't really want to attend. Then there were many people commenting that the regent who made a regulation prohibiting people from gathering, suddenly held a large-scale event," said Omaleng.

Regarding this public criticism, the Regent of Omaleng admitted that he had continually appealed to residents, especially indigenous Papuans, to always comply with health protocols in terms of wearing masks, washing hands and keeping the distance.

"The Papuan people are different from other communities. Almost every week I testify at the church about the COVID-19 disease, but only about 50 percent understand, while the rest don't want to understand, don't even want to know," he said.

In various meetings with residents, especially indigenous Papuans, the Regent of Omaleng related his experience of being exposed to COVID-19 in late November to mid-December 2020.

"I shared my experience with them. I am sick with COVID-19 and almost die. I do not want what happened to me to happen to other people. Every week I stand in church giving testimony. Hopefully what I said can move their hearts," he said.

Before the commemoration of the Kingmi Church's Bible Message entering the Central Highlands region of Papua, he said, the committee had distributed masks to residents or congregations who would attend the event.

However, in practice, most of the congregation who attended did not wear masks.

"We distribute masks to the people who are there, but they don't want to wear, even throw them away or put them in the noken (bag -red). The problem is that Papuans often say that COVID-19 is not their disease, but a disease of non-Papuans. That attitude is certainly a problem," said Regent Omaleng.

In reality, he said, COVID-19 can be transmitted to anyone, regardless of ethnicity, race and skin color.

"The proof is that several Amungme people have died due to COVID-19. There are 2 people who must be buried in Jakarta. His family came to see me asking for a plane to take the body home to Timika, but I did not serve because he died from COVID-19 so he had to be buried in Jakarta," explained the Regent of Omaleng.

The approach to indigenous Papuans to obey and comply with health protocols, according to the Regent of Omaleng, will not work if it is done in a harsh way or through formal socialization. But it must be done persuasively.

"Until now, it can be seen in the Kingmi churches in Timika, all people who come to worship do not wear masks. This is our homework for how to invite them to be aware of the dangers of COVID-19," he said.