Being Selfish Is Needed When Experiencing These 6 Things

JAKARTA - In the aspect of relationships, both social and romantic relationships, selfishness needs to be minimized to get harmonious relations. However, at times selfishness was needed. Especially when experiencing the 6 things below:

When the physical condition is not healthy

Every human being has limitations, this also happens to the body. For example, after getting tired of doing various activities, you can not do all the requests of other people. Especially when energy is exhausted and the physical condition makes it impossible, you need to be selfish.

When there are more pressing responsibilities

Completing responsibility is an obligation. You need to consider things that make it easier to fulfill responsibilities. If needed, you can be selfish, especially if the responsibilities that must be resolved immediately are urgent.

Not conscientious

Doesn't everyone have a different perspective on matters of the heart? Which one is good for you, it is not necessarily right for others. The opposite is true, but most importantly in a relationship it is necessary to negotiate.

There are things that need to be communicated and can only be decided by yourself. For example, if asked to do something that is not in accordance with your conscience you need to be selfish in both arguing and acting.


Opinions that are not accepted can still be responded to with a big heart. However, opinions that are not valued or ignored make a person's self-esteem decrease. When you experience this, you may or may not be taken care of.

However, if it continues it will be burdensome. This means that you need to think about yourself when your self-worth is not considered by others.

Be used

Avoid continuing to be a people pleasure. Not infrequently, it is a people pleasure that is used by other people. In fact, behind all the considerations do not want to disappoint others like what you have done is sincere. However, try to think about yourself first.

In this context, being selfish is beneficial. Being concerned with the personal ego makes a person understand which priorities and which take up time, energy and material.

When you want to be alone

Even though humans are social creatures, it is only natural that someone needs their own time. You need to listen to your heart without being criticized or want to self-care by calming yourself down or enjoying being quiet.

Many people take advantage of their own time by solo traveling, for example. Or at its simplest, you have the right to turn off your device and enjoy your free time.

Have you ever been selfish because of certain events? This is humane to do, as long as it doesn't harm others and doesn't make yourself worse off.