KPK Asks Makassar City Government To Improve Asset Security

MAKASSAR - KPK through the Prevention and Supervision Team (Korsupgah) asked the Makassar City Government to improve the management and security of its assets.

Head of the Korsupgah Region IV Task Force (Kasatgas) KPK Niken Aryati in Makassar, Wednesday, said that the problem of asset management and security is his concern because the potential for asset disputes is very large.

"Safeguarding assets in Makassar is our main focus. Not only in Makassar but other areas in Indonesia as well," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 27.

Niken explained that the potential for asset disputes in Makassar is very large if you look at the data collection in the assets and legal sections.

He said, reporting from the assets section, especially from the Makassar City Government Land Agency, only 30 percent of the more than 900 assets have legality.

"If the report from the land agency only 30 percent of the 900 assets, especially land parcels that have certificates. This is a big level so that our assets should not be controlled by other people," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Makassar Land Service, Manai Sophian, said that the more than 900 assets owned by the Makassar City Government, including land, schools, health centers, and others, have no legal basis.

"The Land Agency in Makassar is a new OPD which was formed in 2017 and I am the head of its first agency. I have recorded a lot of government assets that do not have certificates but are recorded in regional assets," he said.

He said, the tough job of the government at this time is to certify all assets owned by the Makassar City Government.

"The long story begins with the division of the region from four regencies such as Pangkep, Maros and Gowa. Not yet another vertical agency that surrendered its assets to the municipal government but had no legal basis. It happened a long time ago, and now we are fixing it," he said.