Attorney Bambang Widjojanto At The Constitutional Court Session: Terrible And Fundamental Election Cheating In Central Kalimantan

JAKARTA - The pair Ben Brahim Bahat-Ujang Iskandar through their attorney, Bambang Widjojanto, said that there was a terrible and fundamental fraud in the holding of the Central Kalimantan Pilgub.

"Based on the very fundamental fraud in the 2020 Central Kalimantan governor / deputy governor election, it is far more devastating, so the related parties should be disqualified and the applicant should be the winner of the local election," said Bambang Widjojanto in the 2020 Pilkada dispute trial at the Constitutional Court building, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 27 January.

According to him, the election organizers and parties related to the Sugianto Sabran-Edy Pratowo pair cheating were committed, starting from the manipulation of the DPTb, changing officials 6 months before the appointment of a candidate pair, abuse of authority, and ignoring all allegations of fraud.

Furthermore, the cheating argued, including misuse of social assistance funds, BUMD CSR funds, and COVID-19 assistance funds; mobilization of the state civil apparatus to win the Sugianto Sabran-Edy Pratowo pair; money politics and intimidation of voters.

According to the petitioner, fraud was carried out in a wide area, namely in 14 districts / cities in Central Kalimantan, namely Palangka Raya, Kapuas, Pulau Pisau, Gunung Mas, Katingan, Seruyan, Lamandau, Sukamara, East Kotawaringin, West Kotawaringin, East Barito, Barito South, North Barito, and Murung Raya.

Based on these arguments, the petitioner asked the Constitutional Court to cancel the Central Kalimantan Provincial Election Commission's Decision on the Stipulation of Ben Brahim Bahat-Ujang Iskandar's 502,800 votes and Sugianto Sabran-Edy Pratowo 536,128 votes.

The Constitutional Court was also asked to state that the Sugianto Sabran-Edy Pratowo pair were legally and convincingly proven to have committed fraud, violations and abuse of authority as incumbent candidates and were disqualified.

Furthermore, the petitioner asked for a re-voting in all districts in Central Kalimantan.

"The Petitioner believes and believes that the Constitutional Court will continue to live up to hopes for the establishment of democracy through regional head elections, particularly the election for the governor and deputy governor of Central Kalimantan," said Bambang Widjojanto.