A Number Of Villages In Boyolali Regency Experience Ash Rain After The Eruption Of Mount Merapi

JAKARTA - Head of the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) Hanik Humaida said that a number of villages in Boyolali and Boyolali districts experienced ash rain after the eruption of Mount Merapi.

Hanik said the ash rain that occurred was a result of the avalanche of hot clouds after the eruption of Mount Merapi.

"A number of locations have reported incidents of light ash rain in several villages in Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency, and Boyolali City," Hanik said in a BPPTKG Channel Youtube broadcast, Wednesday, January 27.

Hanik said, lava avalanches and hot clouds also rolled 5 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi in the south-southwest sector, namely the Boyong River, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih channels.

"Meanwhile, explosive eruptions still have a chance to occur with the eruption of volcanic material estimated to reach a radius of 3 kilometers from the summit," he said.

Hanik appealed to the public not to carry out activities in the recommended areas. The community is expected to anticipate disturbances due to volcanic ash such as wearing masks, wearing glasses, and closing water sources.

For information, since January 4, Mount Merapi has entered an effusive eruption phase. This phase is known as an eruption with activity in the form of lava dome growth, then accompanied by falling lava and hot clouds of avalanche.

On this day from 00.00 to 14.00 WIB, Mount Merapi launched 36 hot clouds of avalanches with a sliding distance of between 500 to 3000 meters to the southwest, or to the upper reaches of the Krasak and Boyong rivers.

These hot clouds were recorded on seismographs with amplitudes between 15 and 60 mm and a duration of 83 to 197 seconds.